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Hypnosis is a method of inducing a trance or a dream-like state
in order to treat disorders of mainly psychological or emotional
origin. It has been practised in various forms for thousands of
years by many cultures including African, American Indian, Celtic,
Egyptian and Ancient Greek. In the 19th and early 20th centuries,
hypnosis, or 'mesmerism', was seen more as a sideshow curiosity than
a valid medical treatment. Today, it is recognised by the scientific
community as an effective healing tool, although how hypnotherapy
works is still something of a mystery. Hypnosis is used as a
part of medical, psychological and dental treatments; it is not a
treatment in its own right.A range of
disordersHypnosis is effective in treating a range of
disorders, including:

Chronic pain
Fears and phobias
Giving up smoking
High blood pressure
Panic attacks
Stress.The alpha brainwave A hypnotic
state can occur naturally and spontaneously, such as when you are
absorbed in a pleasant task, or when day-dreaming. Clinical hypnosis
is the deliberate induction of an altered state of awareness. The
brain has different levels of consciousness, or awareness, ranging
from fully alert to drowsy to fully asleep, with variations in
between. These different levels of consciousness can be mapped by
brain wave activity, using a device called an electroencephalograph
(EEG). When the brain is calm, it produces a distinctive EEG pattern
called alpha waves. According to current theory, the subconscious
mind is more accessible when the brain is producing alpha waves,
because the conscious mind is relaxed. Therapeutic suggestions can
then be given, usually to great effect. You are in
control Suggestions tend to be taken to heart, but only if
those suggestions are acceptable to the hypnotised person. Contrary
to popular belief, you can't be hypnotised into doing things against
your will. You can't be forced into a hypnotic state either.
Instead, you allow yourself to be hypnotised. It is a voluntary
altering of your own consciousness, and you are always in
control.Degrees of suggestibilityOne in ten
people are very easy to hypnotise. Eighty per cent of the general
population is reasonably open to hypnotic suggestion. The remaining
10 cent are resistant. In general, children are easier subjects than
adults. Your degree of suggestibility has a lot to do with certain
personality traits and doesn't mean you have a weak character, as is
popularly believed. Easily hypnotised people have a number of
positive traits in common, including:

High creativity or artistic tendencies
A good imagination
The ability to lose oneself in a movie or book
The ability to concentrate and keep mental
focus.Different methods of
hypnosisTypically, relaxing the mind involves the use of
imagery. For instance, you might be asked to imagine a peaceful
scene. Being in a hypnotic state feels similar to the dreamy state
of mind that exists just before falling asleep, except you are alert
and aware of your surroundings. There are many ways to deliberately
induce this altered state of consciousness, including:

A qualified hypnosis practitioner
Hypnosis audiotapes
Imaginative techniques
Relaxation techniques.Special
considerationsHypnotherapy should be avoided if you are
suffering from severe depression or psychosis.Where to
get help

Your doctor
Australian Society of Hypnosis Tel. (03) 9496
4548.Things to remember

Hypnosis is designed to induce a relaxed and suggestible state
of mind.
Around 90 per cent of the general population can be hypnotised
to varying degrees.
Contrary to popular belief, you are always in control and
can't be hypnotised against your will.

Tai Chi
Herbal medicine
Asthma and complementary therapies
Depression is a constant feeling of sadness
Multiple sclerosis and alternative therapies
Asthma in children and adolescents - questions answered
Menopause and alternative therapies
Stress and depression - questions answered
Report - Traditional Chinese Medicine
Stress affects us in many ways
Yoga includes exercise and meditation
Anxiety disorders explained
Pain management
Stress trauma fear - questions answered
Anxiety disorders mean a constant feeling of tension
Post traumatic stress disorder
Tai Chi can help manage arthritis
Multiple sclerosis - treatment options
Acupuncture - safety standards and legislation
Children - fear of the dark
Alexander technique
Stress in everyday life
Claustrophobia means fear of enclosed spaces
Breathing and the relaxation response
Stress can become a serious illness This
page has been produced in consultation with, and approved
by:(Logo links to further information)




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