po polsku

Przypisy do rozdz. 2.

1 W.James, Psychology: the Briefer Course,
Holt, 1892, s.1.

2 W.James, The Varietes of Religious Experience,
New American Library, 1958, s.298.

3 Cyt. w: G.Murphy i R.Ballou (wyd.), William
James on Psychical Research, Viking, 1960, s.324.

4 W.James, The Will to Believe and Other
Essays in Popular Philosophy, KLongmans, Green & Co, s.232.

5 W.James, The Principles of Psychology,
t.2, Dover, 1950, s.560 (pierwsze wyd. 1890).

6 W.James. Talks to Teachers on Psychology
and to Students on Some of Life's Ideals, Holt, 1899, Dover, 1962, s.100.

7 J.Fadiman i R.Frager, Personality and Personal
Growth, Harper & Row, 1976, s.201.

8 W.James, The Varietes of Religious Experience,
op. cit., s.391.

9 I.Dilman, Freud and the Mind, Basil Blackwell,
1986, s.7.

10 J.Fadiman i R.Frager, Personality and
Personal Growth, op.cit., s.14.

11 G.Murphy, An Historical Introduction
to Modern Psychology, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1967.

12 S.Freud, New Introductory Lectures on
Psychoanalysis, t.22, Norton, 1949, s.80.

13 J.Fadiman i R.Frager, Personality and
Personal Growth, op.cit., s.20.

14 I.Dilman, Freud and the Mind, op.cit.,

15 Zob. F.J.Sulloway, Freud: Biologist of
the Mind, Basic Books, 1979, s.338.

16 S.Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams,
wyd. standardowe, tomy 4-5 [cyt.w:] J.Fadiman i R.Frager, Personality and
Personal Growth, op.cit., s.21.

17 C.G.JungMemories, Dreams, Reflection,
Random House, 1961, s.168-169. [Wyd. pol. Wspomnienia, sny, mysli, przel.
R.Reszke i L.Kolankiewicz, Wydawnictwo WROTA - Wydawnictwo KR, Warszawa,

18 C.G.Jung, Man and His Symbols, Dell,
1968, s.13.

19 Tamze, s.18.

20 Tamze, s.41-42.

21 C.G.Jung, Two Essays in Analytical Psychology,
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1953, s.68.

22 Tamze, s.65-66.

23 Tamze, s.70.

24 C.G.Jung,  The Relations Betweeen
the Ego and the Unconscious [w:] Collected Works, 1928, s.176.

25 H.L.Ansbacher i R.Ansbacher 9wyd.) The
Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler: a systematic presentation in selections
from his writings, Harper, 1956, s.104.

26 Zob. J.Fadim i R.Frager, Personality
and Personal Growth, op.cit., s.97.

27 Cyt. w: H.L.Ansbacher i R.Ansbacher,
The Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler, op.cit., s.177.

28 J.Fadiman i R.Frager, Personality and
Personal Growth, op.cit., s.99.

29 H.L.Ansbacher i R.Ansbacher 9wyd.0, Alfred
Adler: Superiority and Social Interest, a Collection of Later Writings,
Viking, 1964, s.69.

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